3 Ways to Keep Your Winter Coats Feeling New

As winter begins, it’s time to take the coats out of the closet! It’s important to clean your winter coats properly before, during, and after the snowy season. Whether you need your coat for playing in the snow, skiing, or just chilly weather, Eagle Cleaners has your back. Here are 3 tips to keep your various winter coats as cozy as possible.
1. Keep your wool coats out of regular washing machines
The regular detergent, hot water, and normal washing machine cycles can cause the wool fibers to break down or shrink. Bring your wool jackets to Eagle Cleaners to be treated gently and washed properly.
2. Use a delicate or down-specific detergent on puffer jackets
Puffer jackets require a specialized process to remain puffy. Specific detergent is used in order to preserve the feathers inside. With regular detergent, the natural oils can be stripped from the feathers and leave you unsatisfied with the fluffiness. It’s also important to dry your puffer jacket properly to redistribute the down and maintain the puff. Synthetic down jackets follow the same rules and need to be handled gently. At Eagle Cleaners, let us treat your puffer jacket the way it deserves and avoid the hassle.
3. Store jackets of all materials in a cool, dry place.
To avoid mold, moisture build-up, and fabric damage, store your winter coats somewhere dry, dark, and cool. Some storage options are on hangers in a closet, in bins with secure lids, or in cotton bags. Avoid plastic bags and cramming too many coats together, which can lead to trapped moisture and misshapen coats. Be sure to bring your winter coats to Eagle Cleaners before storing to help preserve them and ensure that they are ready for storage.
With proper care of your winter coats, they can be long-lasting and still look as good as new. Eagle Cleaners can help preserve them and keep you warm all throughout the cold weather. Learn more about how we can help keep your winter coats feeling new by checking out our service page or contacting us today for more information! You can also visit us at 531 S. State St, Clarks Summit.